Below you have a list of publications referenced in this work.
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- W. I. Uy, Y. Wang, Y. Wen and B. Peherstorfer. Active Operator Inference for Learning Low-Dimensional Dynamical-System Models from Noisy Data. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45, A1462–A1490 (2023).
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- J. L. Lumley. The structure of inhomogeneous turbulent flows. Atmospheric turbulence and radio wave propagation, 166–178 (1967).
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- L. Sirovich. Turbulence and the dynamics of coherent structures. I. Coherent structures. Quarterly of applied mathematics 45, 561–571 (1987).
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- G. Berkooz, P. Holmes and J. L. Lumley. The proper orthogonal decomposition in the analysis of turbulent flows. Annual review of fluid mechanics 25, 539–575 (1993).