Options for Model Learning

General Setup Options

System Structure

This package works with model reduction for polynomial systems with affine control taking a generel form of

\[\dot{\mathbf{x}} = \mathbf{A}_1\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{A}_2(\mathbf{x}\otimes\mathbf{x}) + \cdots + \mathbf{A}_n(\underbrace{\mathbf{x}\otimes\cdots\otimes\mathbf{x}}_{n-\text{times}}) + \sum_{i=1}^m N_{1,i}\mathbf{x}\mathbf{u}_i + \cdots + \sum_{i=1}^m N_{k,i}(\underbrace{\mathbf{x}\otimes\cdots\otimes\mathbf{x}}_{k-\text{times}})\mathbf{u}_i + \mathbf{B}\mathbf{u} +\mathbf{K}~.\]

Current Implementations

With the current version we have only implemented up to quartic states and bilinear controls. We plan to implement linear-quadratic controls and other-higher order systems in the future, as these types of systems are observed in many applications.

For such structures, use SystemStructure struct to define the system.

mutable struct SystemStructure

Structure of the given system.


  • state::Union{Array{<:Int,1},Int}: the state variables
  • control::Union{Array{<:Int,1},Int}: the control variables
  • output::Union{Array{<:Int,1},Int}: the output variables
  • coupled_input::Union{Array{<:Int,1},Int}: the coupled input variables
  • coupled_output::Union{Array{<:Int,1},Int}: the coupled output variables
  • constant::Int: the constant variables
  • constant_output::Int: the constant output variables


  • The variables are represented as integers or arrays of integers.

Variable info

This structure allows you to input information about the variables in the system. For example, the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system has two main variables: a fast-recovery variable (usually denoted as v) and a slow-activating variable (usually denoted as w). The Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation is given by:

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dv}{dt} &= v - \frac{v^3}{3} - w + I \\ \frac{dw}{dt} &= \epsilon (v + a - bw) \end{align*}\]

Additionally, if we lift this system, it becomes a lifted system of 3 variables. For the VariableStructure you can define the number of unlifted state variables N=2 and the number of lifted state variables Nl=3.

mutable struct VariableStructure

Information about the system variables.


  • N::Int64: the number of system variables
  • N_lift::Int64: the number of lifted system variables

Data Info

With the DataStructure struct, the user will define the time-step $\Delta t$ and optionally the down-sampling and type of numerical scheme used for the Partial Differential Equation.

mutable struct DataStructure

Information about the data.


  • Δt::Float64: the time step or temporal discretization
  • DS::Int64: the downsampling rate
  • deriv_type::String: the derivative scheme, e.g. "F"orward "E"uler

Optimization Settings

This options is only required if you are dealing with the optimization based model reduction methods (e.g., Energy-Preserving Operator Inference) in which you must select some options for the optimization.

mutable struct OptimizationSetting

Information about the optimization.


  • verbose::Bool: enable the verbose output for optimization
  • initial_guess::Bool: use initial guesses for optimization
  • max_iter::Int64: the maximum number of iterations for the optimization
  • nonredundant_operators::Bool: use nonredundant operators
  • reproject::Bool: use reprojection method for derivative data
  • SIGE::Bool: use successive initial guess estimation
  • with_bnds::Bool: add bounds to the variables
  • linear_solver::String: the linear solver to use for optimization
  • HSL_lib_path::String: the path to the HSL library


Reprojection is a sampling scheme used to increase the accuracy of the recovered reduced model. For further details and mathematical proofs refer to [1] and [2].

Successive Initial Guess Estimation (SIGE)

The SIGE option is used to run the optimization successive from a lower reduced dimension and increasing the dimensions sequentially by using the solution of the lower dimensional operator as the initial guess for the next optimization. For example, you will solve the optimization for r=2 and then use the solution to solve for the optimization of r=3.

# r = 2
options.optim.initial_guess = false  # turn off initial guess for the first iteration
op_tmp = LnL.opinf(Xdata, Vr[:,1:2], options; U=zeros(100), Y=zeros(100), Xdot=Xdotdata)  # compute the first operator
op[1] = op_tmp  # store the first operator

# r =3
options.optim.initial_guess = true  # turn on initial guess for the next step
op_tmp = LnL.opinf(Xdata, Vr[:,1:3], options; U=zeros(100), Y=zeros(100), Xdot=Xdotdata, IG=LnL.Operators(A=op_tmp.A, F=op_tmp.F)) # compute the second operator
op[2] = op_tmp

Linear Solvers

For the optimization we use Ipopt, and for its linear solvers it is possible to use the default solvers like MUMPS and HSL solvers (e.g., ma77, ma86, and ma97).


To use HSL linear solvers you will need to obtain a license from here. Then set the path to the solvers using the option HSL_lib_path:

import HSL_jll
OptimizationSetting.HSL_lib_path = HSL_jll.libhsl_path


Using the TikhonovParameter struct you will define the Tikhonov regularization matrix. This will be a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries having different values corresponding to the operators that it is regulating (e.g., linear, quadratic, bilinear).

The Tikhonov regulated optimization problem is defined as

\[\text{min}~\|\|\mathbf{D}\mathbf{O}^\top - \dot{\mathbf{\hat{X}}}\|\|^2_F + \|\|\mathbf{\Gamma}\mathbf{O}^\top\|\|^2_F\]

where $\mathbf{D}$, $\mathbf{O}^\top$, $\dot{\hat{\mathbf{X}}}$ are the data matrix, operator matrix (with minimizers), and time derivative snapshot matrix, respectively. The linear least-squares solution of this becomes

\[\mathbf{O}^\top = (\mathbf{D}^\top\mathbf{D} + \mathbf{\Gamma}^\top\mathbf{\Gamma})^\dag \mathbf{D}\dot{\mathbf{\hat{X}}}\]

struct TikhonovParameter

Tikhonov regularization parameters.


  • A::Union{Real, AbstractArray{Real}}: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the linear state operator
  • A2::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the quadratic state operator
  • A3::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the cubic state operator
  • A4::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the quartic state operator
  • B::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the linear input operator
  • N::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the bilinear state-input operator
  • C::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the constant operator
  • K::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for the constant output operator

Model Reduction Specific Options

These options are all specific to each solution method of Operator Inference. All of the options below are a subtype of AbstractOption.

Standard Operator Inference

This option is required when using the standard Operator Inference method.

mutable struct LSOpInfOption <: LiftAndLearn.AbstractOption

Standard least-squares Operator Inference.


  • method::Symbol: the name of the method
  • system::SystemStructure: the system structure
  • vars::VariableStructure: the system variables
  • data::DataStructure: the data
  • optim::OptimizationSetting: the optimization settings
  • λ::TikhonovParameter: the Tikhonov regularization parameters
  • with_tol::Bool: the option to use tolerance for the least square pseudo inverse
  • with_reg::Bool: the option to use Tikhonov regularization
  • pinv_tol::Real: the tolerance for the least square pseudo inverse

The option with_tol turns on/off the settings to truncate ill-posed singular values with order of pinv_tol.

Energy-Preserving Operator Inference Options

The three options below are for the energy-preserving Operator Inference approaches: hard equality constraint, soft inequality constraint, and penalty. For details of each parameter please check out the documentation of EP-OpInf Manual

mutable struct EPHECOpInfOption <: LiftAndLearn.AbstractOption

Energy-Preserving Hard Equality Constraint Operator Inference.


  • method::Symbol: the name of the method
  • system::SystemStructure: the system structure
  • vars::VariableStructure: the system variables
  • data::DataStructure: the data
  • optim::OptimizationSetting: the optimization settings
  • λ_lin::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for linear state operator
  • λ_quad::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for quadratic state operator
  • linear_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the linear operator
  • quad_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the quadratic operator
mutable struct EPSICOpInfOption <: LiftAndLearn.AbstractOption

Energy-Preserving Soft Inequality Constraint Operator Inference.


  • method::Symbol: the name of the method
  • system::SystemStructure: the system structure
  • vars::VariableStructure: the system variables
  • data::DataStructure: the data
  • optim::OptimizationSetting: the optimization settings
  • λ_lin::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for linear state operator
  • λ_quad::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for quadratic state operator
  • ϵ::Real: soft constraint radius
  • linear_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the linear operator
  • quad_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the quadratic operator
mutable struct EPPOpInfOption <: LiftAndLearn.AbstractOption

Energy-Preserving Penalty Operator Inference.


  • method::Symbol: the name of the method
  • system::SystemStructure: the system structure
  • vars::VariableStructure: the system variables
  • data::DataStructure: the data
  • optim::OptimizationSetting: the optimization settings
  • λ_lin::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for linear state operator
  • λ_quad::Real: the Tikhonov regularization parameter for quadratic state operator
  • α::Float64: the weight for the energy-preserving term in the cost function
  • linear_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the linear operator
  • quad_operator_bounds::Tuple{Float64, Float64}: the bounds for the quadratic operator